Wednesday, April 09, 2008


The sun is shining, a high of 18 today. We have played outside everyday for almost a week now. On Saturday as I wrote a NY state exam, Steve and the kids played outside for 3 hours. They have been so wonderful. They are happy, active and sleeping so much better.

I heart spring!

Last we were playing outside with the neighboorhood kids when they heard a little song jingle. One of them yelled "ICE CREAM" and from then on it was literally mayhem! They were screaming at the top of their lungs - I laughed so hard! Their was parents (with their money)retreival, me running in to grab the cameras and then standing in line waiting our turn. The kids were getting these huge slushies with ice cream and big ice creams covered in sprinkles. Max told the ice cream man, he wanted one too and the man said to me "he's too little for those. I'll make him something special". He made Max chocolate ice cream in a dish with lots of sprinkles. He was beaming, so excited! I got Audrey a vanilla cone and let her have at it. She loved it and didn't make a huge mess. So much fun - Spring is here.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


It is the most difficult job in the world. One day everything is great, kids listen to you, are loving and go to sleep without issue. The next, you wonder what possessed you to think that you were going to get away with it that easy. This week, is the later.

The kids are both sick with colds (Steve and I are too) and they spent the weekend at the house of indulgence also known as Grammie and Grampy's. I want to say first that I am beyond appreciative that I have two awesome parents who are always so willing to watch Max and Audrey. They truly believe there are no two more special people in the world than their grandchildren. However Max has known this for some time and Audrey is quickly catching on. They know that their wish is G and G's command. So things like sleeping in bed with them, letting them stay up late and not making them eat what they should is standard when staying at G and G's.

I know that this is the role that many Grandparents play. They are supposed to fill them with sugar and love and then send them home to Mommy and Daddy. However, this week we are paying for this in a big bad way. Both kids have no intention of sleeping by themselves, doing what we ask them to or have a screaming fit if they are forced to. Needless to say, it's not been a great week.

However, I don't want to dwell on this as it's not in my nature. I want to move on and try to make things better. To start, the sun is shining and there is a hint that Spring may be waking up and will be joining us after all. It has been the longest, coldest and the snowyest (??) Winter that I can remeber. I have never been so looking forward to Spring before. Our kids are active outdoors types that need to run and play, so the fact that it's going to be 12 degrees this weekened gives me hope that this week is going to turn around yet.

With Max starting soccer and lacrosse in a few weeks and Audrey starting Salsa Tots I think my active little ones are going to get their outlets they so despretely need. And in turn their parents will too.

This parenting thing, it isn't the easiest but we're working on it.