Monday, July 17, 2006

Busy Fun Weekend

I need a nap. I seriously could put my head down on my desk right now and go to sleep.

We did so much this weekend but we had a lot of fun too. Friday night we stayed in and watched a movie. Saturday we did a couple of errands, let Max have a nap and went to the Jays game. Steve got tickets from work for the 200 club level (nicer, comfier seats) so we decided to take Max to his first ball game. It was a killer hot day out (38 degrees) and our seats were in the direct sun. Max was loving it though. He sang "Oh Canada", cheered home runs, ate pizza, licorice and lots of drinks, learned to say "swing batter-batter-batter-batter", and Daddy bought him a Jays baseball. It was a crazy long game (we left at the end of the 13th inning and they won it in the bottom of the 14th) and I can honestly say I have never sweat so much in my entire life, but it was a lot of fun.

Yesterday we had the Tirecraft picnic at Cedar Park. Steve and Bernie ran the entire thing and did a great job. Max had a blast playing with the kids, swimming (well splashing in the kids area), drinking lots of juice boxes and running in the running race (he's still talking about this). It was a fun, long day. It was kind of strange thinking that this will likely be the last picnic we'll be going to. Not sure who will run it from now on since Steve's been doing it the past couple of years but that's not for us to worry about.

Funny story - when we got home Steve was reading the "This Week" paper, of course the sports section. I flipped the page to the classifieds and there was a big ad for Manager of Accounting for the new Oshawa Civic owned by Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment. We both laughed. He said "why is this in here right now?" Meaning, why when we have made the decision to move to SP, told everyone we know and yet have no absolute commitment to going (nothing signed, no money down on the house yet). After some consideration I think he will put his resume in but not having any expectations (we don't think the position will pay what we would want). Life is interesting, sometimes timing is everything.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

31 Weeks

I'm 31 weeks pregnant today. 9 weeks to go (if I go full-term). It's starting to feel very real that soon there will be a new little person in our lives. I've been reading books to Max about getting a new baby and all the exciting things he will get to teach his new brother or sister. He's convinced that it's a sister and has been since the day we found out we were expecting. I'm really excited about giving Max a sibling to grow up with. He'll be such a great big brother.

We went to Scarlett's first birthday party on Saturday and there was a 7 day old baby there. He just stood beside the mom watching it and asking if he could kiss it. He is really facinated with babies and just wants to love them. It warms my heart thinking that he really is going to be ok with a new baby. But there is another part of me that is selfish about it just being Max and I during the day.

I love our afternoons together. I go into the toddler room at daycare, and as soon as he sees me his face lights up and he runs and gives me a huge hug (really the highlight of my day). Then we drive home and I ask him about his morning and what exciting things he's done. I make my lunch and we watch treehouse together for half an hour. Then I tell him it's nap time and he takes my hand and we go off to his bed. We read a story and have a nap. Occasionally I'll fall asleep with him and other times I'll watch him drift off and then go and try and acomplish something around the house. He sleeps anywhere from 1.5 hours to 3 hours. Sometimes I'll stand at his bedroom door waiting for him to wake up because I want to spend time with him. We'll have a snack and then go outside and play, or do some errands or just cuddle up on the couch and read and watch tv. I truly cherish this time I have with him.

So this is me being the sentimental person I am. I truly had no idea before I became a mom how encompasing it becomes. How your heart is filled with so much love for your child you think it might burst. I know I have lots of love to share with this new little person growing inside of me, it's just hard to imagine it right now.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Canada

My long weekend is almost over but it was a good one. Nothing really terribly exciting happened I guess that's why I think it was so great. We have been pretty busy lately so it was nice to slow down a bit. Friday (Max and my holiday) we took Mom's camera to be fixed, (long story for another time there) bought birthday gifts for Papa and Scarlett and went to Little Feet to play. We met Daddy for lunch and then napped and played outside all afternoon.

Saturday we cleaned up the yard and the garage. Max went to Pappy and Papa's, went and saw T's lacrosse game and had a sleepover. Steve and I got to have a date! That's right, dinner and a movie just the two of us. We went to Mongolian Grill which which I had been wanting to go to. Very yummy. We saw Superman Returns, which was nostelgic and fun. It was great to go out just us!

This morning we went to T's game and got Max back. I missed him, love getting the big hugs and kisses. We filled a big pool in the backyard and had a bbq lunch outside. Max and I had long afternoon naps while Steve had a little nap and worked on building the fence gate.

Reason #5068583094 why I love this man....
he built the fence gate. I no longer have to chase Max and Sydney out into the front yard (and ocasionally down the street).

After the gate was finished we pulled up chairs to the pool and soaked our feet while Max and Sydney played in the water. A great end to our quiet, relaxing long weekend. Steve has tomorrow off but I think he's still going to go in and get some work done. I was thinking I could go in the afternoon and help him clean up his office but we don't have any takers on watching Max so I don't think it's going to happen.

Happy 139th Birthday Canada.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pre-Long Weekend Ramblings

It's Thursday but it's my Friday today as we're taking tomorrow for Canada Day instead of Monday. Everyone else is taking Monday but for some retarded reason LHC has decided to take tomorrow. Max's daycare is taking tomorrow too. Stupid.

I'm taking my job here pretty seriously these days. hahaha! I have 40 more days here and then I am so donezo. I mean not even for just my beautiful year long mat leave but FOREVER. There isn't an ounce of me that feels any remorse for pulling this stunt so I can keep my 6 months of top up. I really feel like that I deserved it but Tracy (the only one here who knows we're moving to Edmonton) said that if management found out they would likely terminate me and then I wouldn't be entitled to it. So I'm just keeping my mouth shut on the subject and nod politely when RKF brings up "when you return". Whoohoohahaha (evil laugh) I just pray that none of the hundreds of people that do know we're leaving trickle this down to anyone here. Nah, won't happen.

Steve is back from his week long (basically) time away. He was away golfing with his hockey team in Grand Bend and then went to Edmonton for meetings. I didn't mind either of these trips as he really needed to get away and have some fun (work is pretty stressful) and while in Edmonton he went to the sales office for our new house and met with Stephen our sales dude. He got a site map of our lot and it looks really good. The new house is on a street just like ours now. It faces North but is closer to the main street. There's going to be a big park around the corner with a huge pond in it, Steve says for Syd to swim in. He said this morning that they are already renovating the new office for Tirecraft and TGI and it's being completely redone, inside and out. He's really excited about how different the people are that he'll be working with out there.

I know now more than ever that we have DEFINITELY made the right decision about moving to SP. I'm getting excited about it even though it is still a year away. Steve and I are both people who love change. We get excited when we move furniture around (ok, maybe that's just me). We have always done "the right thing" the predictable thing. I think we need an adventure, shake things up a bit. I always knew, but lately it has become increasing evident, that some people around us had mapped out the rest of our lives for us. These are the people who aren't dealing (at all) with us leaving. And actually I'm not surprised at who they are. But it pisses me off just the same that these are the people that we always are there for and support and yet now that we could really use some of that in return, they have decided to be the selfish, self-centred, immature people they are. Wow, that felt good to say. I don't have a need for people like that in my life.

Reason #4174983 why I love this man......
Steve handed me a bag this morning from an airport store. There was a little navy t-shirt with a moose and "Edmonton" embroidered on it and a little baby white t that matched. I pushed back the lump in my throat and said how sweet he was.

Here are some recent Max moments...

While waiting for to come up the hourglass icon was on the screen. Max excitedly said "Mommy, look! Stanley Cup! (that's our hockey boy)

Sitting on the couch watching tv Max was leaned up beside me. The baby kicked and Max felt it on his side. He said "Mommy, you poke me!" I told him I didn't that it was his baby brother or sister. He said "baby poke me?" I told him yes because they heard his voice and they know that he's their big brother and they love him. "Baby love me?" Yes I told him, they love you already. He smiled and looked up and me and said "my baby love me". (me holding back tears)

A bird built a nest in our hanging basket on our front porch. Max and I were about to water the flowers one day and before I poured the water in I saw a perfect little nest in the middle and 4 little eggs in it. The mommy bird was up on the neighbour's roof squawking away at me for touching her babies. I explained to Max was it was and that the Mommy was protecting her babies like I protect him. So needless to say the birdies and the Mommy and Daddy birdies have become part of our daily lives. Max asks us to pick him up so he can see them every day. We have watched the baby birdies hatch and grow. We've watched the Daddy birdie stand by and protect the nest too. I've had to let the beautiful flowers die at the birdies expense but it has been worth it to let Max experience this gift of nature. We had a big rain storm the other night and it was quite windy out. When leaving for daycare/work the next morning we found the hanging basket with nest intact on the grass. But no birdies to be found (thank god!) don't know if I could have dealt with that with Max right now. We hung the basket back up to see if they would come home. After a couple of days with no sign of the birdies I explained to Max that the birdie family had outgrown that nest and they needed to make a new one somewhere else. He thought about it for a bit and said "like our new house Mommy?". Yes Max just like that. (God I love this child)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Mommy Sick

It's Monday, but I don't really feel like I had much of a weekend. I had the flu. Not fun.

I was taking Max to Taylor's hockey game on Sunday and started to feel kinda weird on the way there. I was thinking it was just Bunny not liking what I ate for lunch. I parked the car at Courtice South Arena, opened the door and instantly threw up all over the parking lot. Not my most shining moment. Max is in the backseat saying "Mommy sick, Mommy sick!" So I called Les and she came out and got him so I could go home. This is the type of thing that when it comes up it makes me wonder what I'll do if we move to Edmonton, no family to help out in a pinch. Anyways I digress...

So I spent the afternoon curled up in bed. Steve got home from Guelph (lacrosse coaching clinics) and looked after Max. Even though Max kept running in and saying "Mommy wake up, Mommy sick". It's nice to know that you're needed and loved but I really just wanted to be alone.

Sunday woke up feeling better and went to the Shed to work for a bit. New session started and we don't have much enrollment so I was trying to figure out what would run and what wasn't. I can honestly say if we move to Edmonton that I don't think I will miss this job much. See ya Ice Shed, bye bye bossy emails from Leslie, who I'm not sure what she does with her days of not working and having an independent child. Again I digress...

It's Easter this week and I'm really looking forward to it. Once I grew up and the Easter Bunny didn't really visit anymore, Easter lost some meaning for me. Outside of having a family dinner with yucky ham (bleh!). But being with Steve for 11 years (!) Easter has a much more traditional and spiritual meaning to me. Like he said yesterday Good Friday has always been an important day to him.

This year will be special because we get to introduce the 2 sides of Easter to Max. We were walking into daycare last week and they put a door cover up with the Easter Bunny on it. Max looked at it and said "Bunny Mommy?" It never occured to me that he had no idea who the Easter Bunny was. I told him that it was a part of Easter that the Easter Bunny comes to good boys and girl's houses and brings treats. He said "Bunny bring treats?"

Friday, April 07, 2006

Two Roads

I was reading my Creating Keepsakes magazine and Ali one of the regular contributers had an awesome layout with a long journaling taken from her weblog. I'm not sure why this hadn't occured to me sooner but I jumped up and registered here on blogger. I have journaled since I was a little girl but writing can be time consuming and this just seems like an easy way to record my thoughts and happenings. (and there is alot of both of these right now)

I'm kind of excited about keeping this. I'm someone who is afraid of forgetting the little things, I think that's why I take so many pictures. I want to capture memories and keep them close to my heart. Max is doing so many funny things everyday that I just don't want to forget them. I guess I'll be writing alot about that.

We are in the midst of a life changing decision. To go west or not to go west, that my friend is THE question. The poem I had to memorize in Grade 8 "Two Roads" keeps running through my head. To take one road leads you down one path in life and the other another. I have always tried to live the philosophy "don't die wondering". So this makes this that much more difficult to say no, lets not do this. More (definately more) to come on this...

The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.