Monday, April 10, 2006

Mommy Sick

It's Monday, but I don't really feel like I had much of a weekend. I had the flu. Not fun.

I was taking Max to Taylor's hockey game on Sunday and started to feel kinda weird on the way there. I was thinking it was just Bunny not liking what I ate for lunch. I parked the car at Courtice South Arena, opened the door and instantly threw up all over the parking lot. Not my most shining moment. Max is in the backseat saying "Mommy sick, Mommy sick!" So I called Les and she came out and got him so I could go home. This is the type of thing that when it comes up it makes me wonder what I'll do if we move to Edmonton, no family to help out in a pinch. Anyways I digress...

So I spent the afternoon curled up in bed. Steve got home from Guelph (lacrosse coaching clinics) and looked after Max. Even though Max kept running in and saying "Mommy wake up, Mommy sick". It's nice to know that you're needed and loved but I really just wanted to be alone.

Sunday woke up feeling better and went to the Shed to work for a bit. New session started and we don't have much enrollment so I was trying to figure out what would run and what wasn't. I can honestly say if we move to Edmonton that I don't think I will miss this job much. See ya Ice Shed, bye bye bossy emails from Leslie, who I'm not sure what she does with her days of not working and having an independent child. Again I digress...

It's Easter this week and I'm really looking forward to it. Once I grew up and the Easter Bunny didn't really visit anymore, Easter lost some meaning for me. Outside of having a family dinner with yucky ham (bleh!). But being with Steve for 11 years (!) Easter has a much more traditional and spiritual meaning to me. Like he said yesterday Good Friday has always been an important day to him.

This year will be special because we get to introduce the 2 sides of Easter to Max. We were walking into daycare last week and they put a door cover up with the Easter Bunny on it. Max looked at it and said "Bunny Mommy?" It never occured to me that he had no idea who the Easter Bunny was. I told him that it was a part of Easter that the Easter Bunny comes to good boys and girl's houses and brings treats. He said "Bunny bring treats?"

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