My Gorgeous Max,
Today you turn 4. I can still remember waking that morning and thinking, I'm going to have a baby today. Before tomorrow comes I will be holding our baby. It was thrilling and scary at the same time. Your Daddy took pictures of me that morning. Wearing my doggie flannels and my great big belly. I loved being pregnant with you. It was a magical time.
It snowed the morning of March 18, 2004. We woke up and everything was covered in white. It felt like a perfect day for you to be born. It was a rather quiet and relaxing way to have a baby, water breaks, no contractions, wait to see if anything will happen, still nothing, head to the hospital, wait for a room, get put on pitocin drip and wait, wait, wait. When you decided you'd had enough and it was time to get outta there, you let it be known.
I was thrown into heavy contractions quickly and was quickly rethinking natural childbirth. Your Daddy was amazing and never left my side for a minute. He kept telling me I could do it and was a great coach. However there was no time for any medications to help with the pain. A little bit of gas and I was told you were ready to be born. At 8:12pm you were born and your Daddy through his tears said "it's a boy". You were placed on my chest and all I could do was cry and look at you. It was a defining moment of my life and I will remember every detail forever.
It's been 4 years since that day. My little tiny baby boy is a gorgeous preschooler, with the biggest blue eyes, a smile that could light up a city and hair that goes white blonde in the summer. You love playing sports of any kind and are I am told, a "natural athlete", apparently just like your Papa. You are an incredible runner, have such a natural stride and don't stop. I like to think that maybe your love of running comes from me. I don't have much athletic talent in me but I have always loved to run.
You have a kind heart and are a sensitive soul. You love babies and most of all your sister. I am so proud of how much love Audrey and have the minute you first saw her. You have never said one word of jelousy or shown aggression towards her. You welcomed her into our family at your age of two and a half and have loved her and protected her as only a big brother can. This means more to me than you may ever know. I can only pray that you and your sister remain as close as you are today.
This year you over came and conquered many things. You said good-bye to soothie (that was a tough one), got potty trained and said good bye to pull-ups (even at night!), took your first soccer class (loved the running part), went up a level in swimming lessons, excelled in gymnastics (great on the balance beam and trampoline), tried powerskating, got your first hockey equipment and took a few classes, went back to Edna Thomson and moved up to the Stars program upstairs and recently moved downstairs to the Eagles preschool program (you loved going with the big kids). So many changes little man, and more to come. We have registered you for Kindergarden and in September will be starting JK at John M James Public School. I know you are excited to start school and I am excited for you.
You are an incredible person Max. I am so proud to be your Mommy.
I love you Maxy.
Lots of Love,
Mommy xo