Monday, June 30, 2008

A new season, time to write...

It's summer. My last post talked about enjoying Spring's arrival. Yea, a post is way overdue!

Life is busy. (biggest understatement ever). Every little square in our calender has things in it; school, lacrosse - both Max's and Steve's, soccer, yoga, dr's, dentist, optometrists, massage, chiropractor appointments, birthday parties, preschool trips, and swimming lessons. That's life right now.

And somewhere among all that Steve and I were able to squeeze in a trip to Paris for a week. Yes, Paris France. I went there. Still can't believe it. So dreamy and romantic. Loved it, and I'll be back. This will be a later post.

Maxwell and Audrey are great. Very funny, busy and challenging. Max started lacrosse this spring and did really well. Unfortunately he was much more skilled than the other kids and with only doing drills for weeks he became bored and unmotivated. His last day of lacrosse they played a game. Of course that was the week Steve and I were away. Guilt, a great part of parenting but comes with the job. Max scored 3 goals and he will tell you that one got called back as he was in the crease. But amazing and he loved it. Next year he'll be in paperweight and that will be so much better for him. 

I'm busy with school and looking forward to not having to travel to Buffalo and getting to be with my family on weekends.

That's all for now!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


The sun is shining, a high of 18 today. We have played outside everyday for almost a week now. On Saturday as I wrote a NY state exam, Steve and the kids played outside for 3 hours. They have been so wonderful. They are happy, active and sleeping so much better.

I heart spring!

Last we were playing outside with the neighboorhood kids when they heard a little song jingle. One of them yelled "ICE CREAM" and from then on it was literally mayhem! They were screaming at the top of their lungs - I laughed so hard! Their was parents (with their money)retreival, me running in to grab the cameras and then standing in line waiting our turn. The kids were getting these huge slushies with ice cream and big ice creams covered in sprinkles. Max told the ice cream man, he wanted one too and the man said to me "he's too little for those. I'll make him something special". He made Max chocolate ice cream in a dish with lots of sprinkles. He was beaming, so excited! I got Audrey a vanilla cone and let her have at it. She loved it and didn't make a huge mess. So much fun - Spring is here.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


It is the most difficult job in the world. One day everything is great, kids listen to you, are loving and go to sleep without issue. The next, you wonder what possessed you to think that you were going to get away with it that easy. This week, is the later.

The kids are both sick with colds (Steve and I are too) and they spent the weekend at the house of indulgence also known as Grammie and Grampy's. I want to say first that I am beyond appreciative that I have two awesome parents who are always so willing to watch Max and Audrey. They truly believe there are no two more special people in the world than their grandchildren. However Max has known this for some time and Audrey is quickly catching on. They know that their wish is G and G's command. So things like sleeping in bed with them, letting them stay up late and not making them eat what they should is standard when staying at G and G's.

I know that this is the role that many Grandparents play. They are supposed to fill them with sugar and love and then send them home to Mommy and Daddy. However, this week we are paying for this in a big bad way. Both kids have no intention of sleeping by themselves, doing what we ask them to or have a screaming fit if they are forced to. Needless to say, it's not been a great week.

However, I don't want to dwell on this as it's not in my nature. I want to move on and try to make things better. To start, the sun is shining and there is a hint that Spring may be waking up and will be joining us after all. It has been the longest, coldest and the snowyest (??) Winter that I can remeber. I have never been so looking forward to Spring before. Our kids are active outdoors types that need to run and play, so the fact that it's going to be 12 degrees this weekened gives me hope that this week is going to turn around yet.

With Max starting soccer and lacrosse in a few weeks and Audrey starting Salsa Tots I think my active little ones are going to get their outlets they so despretely need. And in turn their parents will too.

This parenting thing, it isn't the easiest but we're working on it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Maxwell - 4th Birthday

My Gorgeous Max,

Today you turn 4. I can still remember waking that morning and thinking, I'm going to have a baby today. Before tomorrow comes I will be holding our baby. It was thrilling and scary at the same time. Your Daddy took pictures of me that morning. Wearing my doggie flannels and my great big belly. I loved being pregnant with you. It was a magical time.

It snowed the morning of March 18, 2004. We woke up and everything was covered in white. It felt like a perfect day for you to be born. It was a rather quiet and relaxing way to have a baby, water breaks, no contractions, wait to see if anything will happen, still nothing, head to the hospital, wait for a room, get put on pitocin drip and wait, wait, wait. When you decided you'd had enough and it was time to get outta there, you let it be known.

I was thrown into heavy contractions quickly and was quickly rethinking natural childbirth. Your Daddy was amazing and never left my side for a minute. He kept telling me I could do it and was a great coach. However there was no time for any medications to help with the pain. A little bit of gas and I was told you were ready to be born. At 8:12pm you were born and your Daddy through his tears said "it's a boy". You were placed on my chest and all I could do was cry and look at you. It was a defining moment of my life and I will remember every detail forever.

It's been 4 years since that day. My little tiny baby boy is a gorgeous preschooler, with the biggest blue eyes, a smile that could light up a city and hair that goes white blonde in the summer. You love playing sports of any kind and are I am told, a "natural athlete", apparently just like your Papa. You are an incredible runner, have such a natural stride and don't stop. I like to think that maybe your love of running comes from me. I don't have much athletic talent in me but I have always loved to run.

You have a kind heart and are a sensitive soul. You love babies and most of all your sister. I am so proud of how much love Audrey and have the minute you first saw her. You have never said one word of jelousy or shown aggression towards her. You welcomed her into our family at your age of two and a half and have loved her and protected her as only a big brother can. This means more to me than you may ever know. I can only pray that you and your sister remain as close as you are today.

This year you over came and conquered many things. You said good-bye to soothie (that was a tough one), got potty trained and said good bye to pull-ups (even at night!), took your first soccer class (loved the running part), went up a level in swimming lessons, excelled in gymnastics (great on the balance beam and trampoline), tried powerskating, got your first hockey equipment and took a few classes, went back to Edna Thomson and moved up to the Stars program upstairs and recently moved downstairs to the Eagles preschool program (you loved going with the big kids). So many changes little man, and more to come. We have registered you for Kindergarden and in September will be starting JK at John M James Public School. I know you are excited to start school and I am excited for you.

You are an incredible person Max. I am so proud to be your Mommy.
I love you Maxy.

Lots of Love,
Mommy xo

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Audrey - 18 Months

My beautiful baby girl,

This week you turned 18 months. A year and a half since you entered this world and made mine complete. I cannot imagine life without you in it. I've been thinking how just a year ago you were this tiny happy little girl with the puffy prednisone face who everyone fell in love with the minute they saw you. Somethings thankfully have changed, we no longer have to give you 9mls of steriods every day, your hemangioma is so much better, most people don't even know it's there. And somethings have not changed, you are still a tiny happy little girl and everyone is in love with Audrey!

The last few days you have had a bad flu which has slowed you down considerably. You haven't been climbing on tables, chairs, desks, stereos quite as much. Monday I took the day off to spend with you as we were up all through the night with you throwing up. As sad as it was to see you sick I have to admit I loved spending your 18 month birthday cuddled up with you on the couch. You are such a busy little thing these days that it was nice to have some quiet time just you and I. I love getting you ready for bed at night, giving you a bath, putting baby lotion on and your jammies. Getting your bottle ready and sitting in the glider in the dark feeding it to you and rocking you to sleep. By far a highlight of my day.

I just popped in at daycare to check on you to see how you're feeling. Overprotective Mom? Yes I am! You were sitting in the little chair eating soup and looking quite proud of yourself with veggie soup and crackers spilling down your chin. I am amazed at how you almost instantly adapted to going to daycare. You thive there. No tears or clinging to Mommy for you little girl. Nope, a kiss and a hug and off you go to play. A wave and you're ready for me to go. Have to admit quite a change from your big brother!

You are starting to have more words. Mama is now Mommy (so cute), Maxy, Daddy, at daycare you apparently have said bubbles, ball and Grandma said yesterday you said apple. You're still a girl who gets her point across through pointing and nodding, shaking your head no or simply throwing what you don't want away (usually food and always to Sydney). We have been working on animal sounds also - you have done a bark for Syd for a while, and you do elephant (with the trunk motion too), kitty and anything that growls (tiger, lion). I love watching you learn.

Audrey, you are our beautiful little sparkle in our family.
I love you bunny.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Things to Do Before I Turn 33

1. Play Max's new game with him.

2. Take kids sledding.

3. Get digital pics printed.

4. Plant a vegtable garden.

5. Fly a kite.

6. Finish watching Season 3 of the OC.

7. Collect more Audrey movies.

8. Lose 5 lbs.

9. Do yoga regularly.

10. Take the kids and Syd on a hike.

11. Go to the zoo.

12. Go shopping at the outlets.

13. Start running again

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Catch Up

I haven't been on here in a long time. I should have been writing but life has been pretty busy. Bad excuse. Somehow always find time to read senseless websites but can't update my own. I've had to set my scrapbooking aside for now so I really need to document the fun things we do and the cute things the kids say so I don't forget when I do get back to scrapbooking.

In two weeks I'll be in my second semester of four, for my Master's of Education at Medaille. This is truly a dream come true for me. Hard to believe a year ago I happened to see a small ad in the Toronto Star advertising Medaille's Masters in Education program for Canadian students. This is not news to me as Leslie and Kelly both went there. But what caught my eye was that there was a weekend program offered. Teaching is something I'd thought about for a few years but didn't think it was possible with my grades and the cost factor.

So here I am, on maternity leave and a small spark of my dream coming true ignited. Steve and I went to an information session and learned about the every other weekend format. I was so excited about it, but knew if it were what I was supposed to do the paths would open up to allow me to go. There were lots of factors to consider with the biggest being Steve was still working in Edmonton and travelling out there every other week for a week or two stretches. Life was already full and at times difficult. I just prayed that if this was the way to go, then it would be.

After clearing issues of finances, completing volunteer teaching, I finally got accepted and man, did I have a good old cry. Max said "Daddy, why is Mommy crying - I thought she was happy". The path began to clear. Steve made the difficult but obvious decision to leave Tirecraft at the end of December. We are blessed to have amazing families who are always willing to help us with the kids. Kelly and Dave offered for me to stay at their house on Friday nights so it would shorten the early Saturday morning drive to Williamsville. I met another student Leila to carpool with and share a hotel room. It was really happening, I was on my way to becoming a teacher.

I have my first semester behind me now - it was a demanding one. 4 courses and lots of creative, time consuming work. In two weeks I begin classes again with only 3 courses but have to take a math requirement course. This is from Fresno Pacific University in California (I'm a Cali student!) but it's online and I don't think should be too bad. Still working at LHC, part time and the kids both go to Edna Thomson Child Care. They love it there and I'm so happy to have them together at one place. It's comforting. Steve started a new job a month ago at Messier-Dowty in Ajax. It's close, pays well and has great hours - off on Fri's at 1:00! It is a big adjustment for him but I know amazing things are coming for him in the future and his dreams will also be fulfilled.

I am feeling very blessed and contented. I have much to be grateful for, and I am.