Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Audrey - 18 Months

My beautiful baby girl,

This week you turned 18 months. A year and a half since you entered this world and made mine complete. I cannot imagine life without you in it. I've been thinking how just a year ago you were this tiny happy little girl with the puffy prednisone face who everyone fell in love with the minute they saw you. Somethings thankfully have changed, we no longer have to give you 9mls of steriods every day, your hemangioma is so much better, most people don't even know it's there. And somethings have not changed, you are still a tiny happy little girl and everyone is in love with Audrey!

The last few days you have had a bad flu which has slowed you down considerably. You haven't been climbing on tables, chairs, desks, stereos quite as much. Monday I took the day off to spend with you as we were up all through the night with you throwing up. As sad as it was to see you sick I have to admit I loved spending your 18 month birthday cuddled up with you on the couch. You are such a busy little thing these days that it was nice to have some quiet time just you and I. I love getting you ready for bed at night, giving you a bath, putting baby lotion on and your jammies. Getting your bottle ready and sitting in the glider in the dark feeding it to you and rocking you to sleep. By far a highlight of my day.

I just popped in at daycare to check on you to see how you're feeling. Overprotective Mom? Yes I am! You were sitting in the little chair eating soup and looking quite proud of yourself with veggie soup and crackers spilling down your chin. I am amazed at how you almost instantly adapted to going to daycare. You thive there. No tears or clinging to Mommy for you little girl. Nope, a kiss and a hug and off you go to play. A wave and you're ready for me to go. Have to admit quite a change from your big brother!

You are starting to have more words. Mama is now Mommy (so cute), Maxy, Daddy, at daycare you apparently have said bubbles, ball and Grandma said yesterday you said apple. You're still a girl who gets her point across through pointing and nodding, shaking your head no or simply throwing what you don't want away (usually food and always to Sydney). We have been working on animal sounds also - you have done a bark for Syd for a while, and you do elephant (with the trunk motion too), kitty and anything that growls (tiger, lion). I love watching you learn.

Audrey, you are our beautiful little sparkle in our family.
I love you bunny.


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